
Trinitas Classical Academy of North Carolina is a free public charter school available to all families in the Charlotte area.

Trinitas Academy is a blend of rigorous Classical Education found in many private schools and the Charlotte Mason influences adopted by homeschool families around the US. It's nuanced but essential. The Charlotte Mason influence adds living books, nature study, and a belief that scholars are adults becoming. The blend concentrates on academic rigor and character development while keeping the learning environment focused on the students and FUN. 

Classical Literature We Teach In Our School

We are schools built on RELATIONSHIPS. We believe that we have been so successful because we are rooted in the works of Dr. Rudolf Druikers and Dr. William Glasser, whose research demonstrated that issues and conflicts in a school or a family come down to a breakdown in relationships.

We understand that the most impactful part of our school is the TEACHER in the classroom, and we invest heavily in their professional growth. Our mission is to PARTNER with our PARENTS because we understand that you are the primary educator in your child’s life. As a school of choice, we know who we are and what we stand for.

At Trinitas Academy, reading and the written language are the foundations of Classical Education. We are readers. We dissect the rich text, devour the living books, and use informational text and classical stories as our foundation of academic and values-virtues instruction. In our schools, subjects from English to history, science, or the arts are unique because we stay true to the Charlotte Mason and Classical Education models. Our model takes advantage of the research-backed strategies designed to support our teachers. This support starts at a high level with an interlinked roadmap of where we are going and drills down into daily lesson templates and hundreds of options for a teacher to use to make a lesson come alive.

Classical Education curriculum and instruction focus on a curiosity that instills a lifelong love of learning. Gone are the days of the parent asking their child, "What did you do in school today?" and getting the response "Nothing." We make family dinner conversations come alive with history, arts, sciences, and the big ideas.

We want our students to focus on learning as a process, to enjoy the discovery, and to wrestle with the big ideas. Our schools should always feel safe and encourage scholars to take risks to practice curiosity and compassion. We are committed to building a diverse, inclusive school where everyone can develop their voices and feel recognized and valued. Perhaps most importantly, we are dedicated to graduating good citizens who are well-prepared for college and the challenges of tomorrow’s world.

Contact Information


School address:
1431 Mecklenburg Hwy
Mooresville, NC 28115
©2019-2025 Trinitas Schools. All Rights Reserved.